Money Mindset Review...

money mindset strengths & weaknesses take control tips & tricks Aug 13, 2024

Ever feel like your relationship with money is more complicated than a soap opera plot?

One day you're best mates, the next you're giving each other the silent treatment.

Well, buckle up, because we're about to dive into the wild world of money mindsets!

Now... before you start thinking this is going to be drier than last week's toast, let me stop you right there. We're going to make this fun, because if there's one thing I've learned, it's that money doesn't have to be all stern faces and boring spreadsheets. (Though if spreadsheets are your jam, you do you, you sexy Excel wiz!)


So, "WHAT'S A MONEY MINDSET?", you ask...

It's basically how you think and feel about money. And let me tell you, it's got more layers than that onion you forgot at the back of your fridge. But don't worry, we're going to peel them back together, and I promise you won't cry (much).


The Money Personality Parade

First up, let's talk about money archetypes. Think of these as your financial spirit animals. Which one are you?

1. The Abundance Attractor

This is the Oprah of money mindsets. "You get money! And you get money! Everybody gets money!" These folks believe there's plenty to go around and aren't afraid to welcome wealth into their lives. They're the ones who always seem to land on their feet, financially speaking. But watch out – sometimes they can be a bit too optimistic and forget to plan for rainy days.

2. The Scarcity Believer

Always waiting for the financial sky to fall. Probably has a secret stash of tinned beans "just in case". These worriers are fantastic savers, but they might miss out on life's joys because they're always preparing for the worst. If this is you, remember: it's okay to treat yourself sometimes!

3. The Flow Facilitator

Money comes, money goes, and they're just here for the ride. Might forget to check their bank balance... for months. These cool cucumbers have low money stress, which is great! But they might need to pay a bit more attention to their long-term financial health. Balance is key, my flow-y friends!

4. The Resistant Receiver

Wants money but feels guilty about it. It's like playing financial hot potato. These folks are often incredibly generous but struggle to accept abundance for themselves. If this sounds familiar, it's time to learn that it's okay to receive as well as give!

5. The Prosperity Planner

Has a 50-year financial plan and color-coded budget categories. Probably dreams in spreadsheets. These organized money maestros are fantastic at long-term planning, but might need to loosen up a bit and enjoy the present. Life's too short to always be planning for tomorrow!

6. The Intuitive Investor

Goes with their gut. Sometimes it pays off big time, other times... well, at least life's never boring! These risk-takers can spot unique opportunities, but they might need to balance their intuition with some good old-fashioned research.

Now, don't worry if you see yourself in more than one. We're all complex creatures, and our money mindsets can be too. It's like a financial pick 'n' mix!


Strengths and Weaknesses: The Good, The Bad, and The Money

Each of these archetypes comes with its own superpowers and kryptonite. Let's break it down:

Abundance Attractors:

Strength: Optimism that attracts opportunities. They're like money magnets!

Weakness: Might overlook practical financial planning. "Budget? What budget?"

Scarcity Believers:

Strength: Great at saving for rainy days. Their emergency fund has an emergency fund.

Weakness: Might miss out on life experiences due to fear. FOMO? More like FOOP (Fear of Overpaying)!

Flow Facilitators:

Strength: Low money stress. They're as chill as a penguin's bottom.

Weakness: Might neglect long-term financial health. Retirement planning? That's a problem for future-me!

Resistant Receivers:

Strength: Often generous and good at giving. They're the first to pick up the tab.

Weakness: Struggle to accept financial abundance. Compliments and cash? Both hard to accept!

Prosperity Planners:

Strength: Excellent at long-term financial strategies. They've got 2050 sorted.

Weakness: Might miss out on spontaneous joys. "Sorry, can't go out, it's not in the budget!"

Intuitive Investors:

Strength: Can spot unique financial opportunities. They're the ones who bought Bitcoin in 2010.

Weakness: Might take unnecessary risks. "Bet the house on this hot tip? Sure, why not!"


The "Change Your Mindset" Challenge

Now, here's where it gets exciting. You're not stuck with your current money mindset. You can evolve faster than a Pokémon on steroids! Here's how:

1. Spot Your Patterns: Start noticing how you think and act around money. Do you break into a cold sweat when checking your balance? Or do you shop online faster than you can say "next day delivery"? Keep a money diary for a week – you might be surprised at what you discover!

2. Challenge Your Thoughts: When you catch yourself thinking "I'm rubbish with money" or "Rich people are all greedy", stop and ask yourself, "Is that really true?" Spoiler alert: It probably isn't. Replace these thoughts with more positive ones, like "I'm learning to manage money better every day" or "Wealth allows people to make a positive impact".

3. Try On A New Mindset: Pick an archetype that's different from yours and try acting like them for a day. Always pinch pennies? Try being an Abundance Attractor for 24 hours and see how it feels! Buy yourself flowers, treat a friend to coffee, or make a small donation to charity. Notice how it affects your mood and outlook.

4. Educate Yourself: Knowledge is power, my friend. And when it comes to money, a little learning goes a long way! Dive into a juicy finance book (they're not all as dry as toast, I promise), tune into a money podcast while you're doing the dishes, or join a free online workshop. There's a whole world of financial wisdom out there, just waiting for you to discover it! The more you know, the more confident you'll feel about managing your moolah.

5. Practice Gratitude: Every day, find something to be grateful for about your current financial situation. Even if it's just "I'm grateful I found a quid in the sofa cushions!" Gratitude shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have, and that's a powerful mindset change.

Remember, changing your money mindset is a journey. There'll be ups and downs, twists and turns. You might fall off the wagon and find yourself panic-buying novelty socks at 2 am (we've all been there). But that's okay! The important thing is to keep going.


Your Money Mindset Makeover Homework

And, if you are really serious about changing the way your money mindset is currently working here’s some more fun “homework” to keep you going:

1. Identify your primary money archetype. Be honest! Write it down and list three ways it shows up in your life.

2. Write down three strengths and three weaknesses of your archetype. For example, if you're a Scarcity Believer, a strength might be "Great at saving money" and a weakness could be "Miss out on experiences due to fear of spending".

3. Pick one weakness and brainstorm three ways you could work on it this week. If you're a Prosperity Planner who struggles with spontaneity, you could set aside a small "fun fund" for impulsive purchases or experiences.

4. Try a money mindset affirmation daily. Something like "Money and I are becoming best friends" or "I'm a money magnet" (say it with feeling!). Stick it on your bathroom mirror or set it as your phone wallpaper.

5. Have a money date with yourself. Sit down with a cuppa, review your finances, and make it fun! Put on some music, light a candle, and treat it like you're getting to know a new friend.

And there you have it, folks! Your crash course in money mindsets. Remember, your relationship with money is just that - a relationship. It takes work, but it can also be fun, rewarding, and yes, even sexy (compound interest, am I right?).

The key is to be patient with yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a healthy money mindset. But with each small step, each positive thought, and each smart decision, you're building a stronger financial foundation for yourself.

And hey, if you stumble along the way (and trust me, we all do), don't beat yourself up. Dust yourself off, maybe treat yourself to a cheeky biscuit, and get back on track. You've got this!

Now go forth and conquer, you financial superhero in training!


With tough love and a cheeky wink,


Sam x


P.S. If you're sitting there thinking, "But Sam, I can't change how I think about money!", I want you to stand up (yes, right now), look in the mirror, and say "Watch me!". Because you absolutely can, and you absolutely will. I believe in you!


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