Happiness Hacks: 5 Ways to Sprinkle Joy into Your Workday

gratitude happiness at work spread the joy take a break Sep 24, 2024

Hello there, workplace warriors!

Before we dive into our happiness hacks, let's have a quick chat about why being happy at work isn't just a nice-to-have – it's a game-changer for you and your organisation.


Why Does Workplace Happiness Matter?

Think about it: we spend roughly a third of our lives at work.

That's a hefty chunk of time to be miserable, isn't it?

But happiness at work isn't just about making those hours more bearable. It's about transforming them into something truly fulfilling.

"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." - Dalai Lama XIV

This is especially true in the workplace, where our actions and attitudes can significantly shape our experience.

So, why is workplace happiness so crucial?

1. Productivity Boost: Happy employees are productive employees. Studies show that happiness can increase productivity by up to 20%. Imagine getting your work done and still having time for that cheeky afternoon cuppa (guilt free)!

2. Health Benefits: Workplace stress is a real mood-killer (and health-wrecker). Happy workers tend to have lower stress levels, better cardiovascular health, and stronger immune systems. Who knew joy could be as good for you as your five-a-day?

3. Creativity and Innovation: When you're happy, your brain is more likely to think outside the box. That means more creative solutions and innovative ideas. You might be the next person to invent sliced bread (or at least come up with a brilliant new filing system).

4. Better Teamwork: Happiness is contagious. When you're cheerful, it rubs off on your colleagues. This leads to better communication, stronger relationships, and a more positive work environment. It's like being the office's unofficial Chief Happiness Officer!

5. Reduced Turnover: Happy employees are loyal employees. Companies with high workplace happiness see lower turnover rates. That means less time and resources spent on constant recruitment and training, and more opportunity to build a cohesive, experienced team. It's like having a championship-winning sports team – the longer you play together, the better you understand each other's strengths and work as a unit!

6. Personal Growth: When you're happy at work, you're more likely to take on new challenges and learn new skills. It's like having a supercharged engine for your career – you'll find yourself accelerating towards new opportunities and reaching higher levels of expertise in no time!


Shawn Achor, author of "The Happiness Advantage," puts it brilliantly: "Happiness inspires productivity." It's not just about feeling good (though that's a brilliant bonus). It's about creating a better, more productive, and more fulfilling work life for yourself and those around you.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "That's all well and good, Sam, but how do I actually make it happen?"

Well, my friend, that's where our happiness hacks come in. These aren't grand, life-altering changes. They're small, simple tweaks that can make a big difference in your daily work life.

Ready to add a dash of joy to your 9-to-5? Let's dive in!


1. Gratitude: Your Secret Happiness Weapon

Picture this: You're drowning in emails, your coffee's gone cold, and your boss just added another task to your already towering to-do list. Before you consider faking a sudden bout of "email-itis", try this instead: whip out your gratitude journal.

Each day, jot down three work-related things you're thankful for (and I don’t just mean “I’m grateful that I have a job!”) It could be as simple as "The printer didn't jam today" or "Managed to eat lunch away from my desk". You'd be amazed how focusing on the good stuff can shift your mood faster than you can say "Is it Friday yet?"

Challenge: For the next week, end each workday by sending a quick thank-you message to a colleague. Even a "Cheers for not stealing my stapler today" counts. Watch how this small act of appreciation transforms your workplace vibe.


2. Time Out Time

I know, I know. Your to-do list is longer than the queue at the coffee shop first up on a Monday morning. But here's the thing: your brain needs breaks like your body needs biscuits (well, maybe not quite as often – although I do know a brilliant “Food Freedom Fairy” who can help you with that!).

The trick is finding a break rhythm that works for you. Maybe it's a 5-minute breather every hour, or a longer lunch away from your desk. The important thing is to “actually step away”.

Stretch those legs, rest your eyes, or have a chat about something other than the latest office drama.

Remember, breaks aren't slacking - they're your secret productivity weapon. They're like pressing the reset button on your brain, helping you return to work fresher than a just-changed nappy (okay, maybe that's not the best analogy, but you get the idea).


3. Personalise Your Space: From Drab to Fab

Let's be honest, most office spaces have all the charm of a wet weekend in Weston-Super-Mare. But fear not! You have the power to transform your little corner of the workplace into a happiness hub.

If you’re in an open plan office with hot desking you can still pop a little family photo in your bag that can go on your desk, have a bright or energising notepad, use a pen that’s sparkly… just some little things that you look at and smile.

At home … have some photos that make you smile, add some plants (cacti are great for those with less-than-green fingers), or create a 'Wall of Win' where you display your achievements.

Me, I have a photo of my little man, some geeky Marvel & GoT prints, a Groot pen holder and a Lego build that I’m not sure what it’s actually supposed to be – but H was super proud and happy when he put it there… I can kind of see a love heart shape and a star in it… any way, I digress… (It has got me smiling though!)


4. Work Mates: Can Be More Than “Just Colleagues”

Remember how much better school was when your bestie was in your class?

Well, who says work can't be the same?

Building positive relationships at work isn't just about having someone to commiserate with when the coffee machine breaks or the printer has a paper jam (again).

It's about creating a support network that makes even the toughest days bearable.

Start small. Invite a colleague for a coffee catch-up, join (or start) a workplace book club, or organise a lunch-hour walking group. Before you know it, you'll have a work family that makes Monday mornings more bearable.

And if you work for yourself, to all those Solopreneurs out there, get out there and network, there are other people just like you that would love a coffee catch up, an excuse to step away from their desk and have some human contact that isn’t work related. Give it a go!


5. Celebrate the Small Stuff: Because Every Victory Counts

Let's talk about the power of small wins. There's nothing quite like the rush of ticking something off your to-do list, is there? Set yourself achievable daily and weekly goals. Break big projects into smaller, manageable tasks. Each time you complete one, do a little victory dance (even if it's just in your head – although round the kitchen is fine too, if you’re at home, maybe not so much in the office).

Remember, it's not about being an overachiever. It's about recognising and celebrating “your” progress, no matter how small. Finished a report? Pat yourself on the back. Successfully navigated a tricky client call? That deserves a mental high-five at least. What progress means to you will be different for someone else … celebrate “your” wins!


"The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does." - James M. Barrie

These small celebrations can help you find more joy in your daily tasks, turning even the most mundane Monday into a series of mini-victories.

So, there you have it, folks. Five simple ways to inject a bit of joy into your workday.

Remember, happiness at work isn't about having a perfect job or a flawless boss (because in reality … does perfect “anything” actually exist?).

It's about taking control of your own joy, one small action at a time.

Until next time, keep spreading those good vibes!


Sam x



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