A No-BS Guide to Finding Your Path

i want more it's okay my pupose never too late Jul 30, 2024

Hey there, you beautiful soul!

Yes, you - the one who's been feeling like life's giving you a wedgie and you can't quite figure out how to pick it out in public without anyone noticing what you’re doing!

Let's have a chat about something that's been gnawing at you, shall we?

It took me until my 40s to finally cotton on that my purpose wasn't just about crunching numbers or even helping people with their P&Ls. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but it was like eating a Pot Noodle when what I really craved was a Michelin starred meal.

My true calling? Helping people achieve their best results. That's where the real fireworks happen for me! And yes, it really did take me this long!

Now, let me ask you something, and be honest:

Do you feel like you're in the right place, doing the right thing for you?

Are you genuinely chuffed with your day-to-day life?

If you're nodding so hard your neck's getting a workout, then congrats, that’s amazing, you’re got this sussed already! You can toddle off now – as this article isn't for you. Go on, shoo!

Still here? Let's dive in then, shall we?


The "It's Okay" Mantra

First things first, we need to get something straight:

IT'S OKAY ... that you aren't in the right place at whatever age you are now.

IT'S OKAY ... if you have no bloody clue what that right place is or where to start looking.

IT'S OKAY ... if you feel guilty for not being content with where you are in life.

IT'S OKAY ... to want more! (Whatever YOUR more is!)

As the legendary Brené Brown once said, "You either walk inside your story and own it, or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness." It's time to own your own story!


The "Do You" Doctrine

Here's the real juice: You need to do you!

 Not what your mum wants. Not what society expects. Not what your cat judges you for (they judge everything anyway).

YOU need to do YOU.

Think about it - how many times have you twisted yourself into a pretzel trying to fit someone else's mould? It's exhausting, isn't it? And about as satisfying as a lettuce leaf when you're craving the whole Big Mac.

The fabulous RuPaul wasn't joking when he said, "When you become the image of your own imagination, it's the most powerful thing you could ever do." So, my lovelies, it's time to paint your own masterpiece!


Finding Your "Hell Yes!"

Now, I know what you're thinking. "That's all well and good, Sam, but how do I actually figure out what my 'hell yes is?"

Well, buckle up, because I've got some truth bombs for you:

1. Stop Should-ing All Over Yourself

How many times have you said, "I should be happy with my job" or "I should want to settle down"? Should is just a fancy word for shame. Chuck it in the bin where it belongs!

2. Get Curious, Not Furious

Instead of beating yourself up for not having it all figured out, get curious. What makes you lose track of time? What would you do even if you didn't get paid for it? That's where the gold is, my friend.

3. Embrace the Messy Middle

Finding your purpose isn't a straight line - it's more like a drunk spider's web. Embrace the chaos, the false starts, the U-turns. As Brené Brown (yes, her again - she's brilliant, okay?) says, "The middle is messy, but it's also where the magic happens."

4. Take Action, Any Action!

You can't steer a parked car! Start moving, even if you're not sure where you're going. Try new things, meet new people, say yes to opportunities. Your purpose is out there, but it won't come knocking on your door while you're binge-watching Netflix.


The "It's Never Too Late" Truth Bomb

Here's the kicker - it's never too bloody late to find your purpose. Never. Too. Late. Got that?

Julia Child didn't start cooking until she was 36 and didn't launch her TV career until 50. Vera Wang entered the fashion industry at 40. Samuel L. Jackson didn't get his big break until he was 43, let alone Colonel Sanders who founded KFC at the ripe age of 65! If they can do it, so can you, you magnificent beast!

As C.S. Lewis wisely said, "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." So, stop using your age as an excuse and start using it as fuel! Whether you're 25 or 85, there's always time to pivot, explore, and find what truly lights you up.

I remember one of my old bosses saying to me… “You are only actually half way through your career Sam” … and it really hit home with me… could I spend the same time again doing what I had been doing, feeling how I had been feeling? Can you?


Your Call to Action (Because I'm Bossy Like That).

Right, here's what you're going to do:

1. Take a hard look at your life. What parts make you go "hell yes!" and what parts make you want to fake your own death and move to Bali? (please don’t do this, but Bali is the most beautiful place – if you haven’t been I thoroughly recommend it!)

2. Make a list of things you've always wanted to try but were too scared/busy/lazy to attempt.

3. Pick ONE thing from that list and commit to trying it in the next month. No excuses!

4. Join my free 3-day event coming up where we'll dive deeper into finding your purpose and living your best life. (Shameless plug? Maybe. Life-changing opportunity? Absolutely! Pop your details in below and be the first to find out the dates & times)

Remember, my sweets, you've got one wild and precious life. It's time to stop living someone else's version of it and start embracing your own.

Now go forth and do you, you magnificent being!

With tough love and a virtual kick up the arse,


Sam x


P.S. If you're still sitting there thinking, "But Sam, what if I make the wrong choice?" - stop it. The only wrong choice is not choosing at all. Now get moving!


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